
Callum and Stu

Between Stu and Callum they have over 30 years operational and technical viticulture experience. Callum has successfully managed his family vineyards, converting them all to organic production and started his own wine brand. Stu has had a long history working as a technical viticulture consultant, grower liaison and viticulturist for Villa Maria and Delegats. These two strive for the best results for their clients and enjoy working in this diverse industry.


Ricki and Corey

Between Ricki and Corey they have over 30 years operational experience. Ricki having spent over 5 years supervising RSE workers as well as many years as a vineyard operator including harvesting. Corey has been working in vineyards for over 20 years, a jack of all trades, having many years driving a machine planter during development as well as completing multiple seasons driving a harvester and everything in-between.